


My research on philanthropy is focused on the advocacy efforts and political influence of philanthropic foundations, particularly in education policy.


Reckhow, Sarah.  2013.  Follow the Money: How Foundation Dollars Change Public School Politics.  New York: Oxford University Press.


Reckhow, Sarah, Megan Tompkins-Stange, and Sarah Galey-Horn. 2021. “How the Political Economy of Knowledge Production Shapes Education Policy:
The Case of Teacher Evaluation in Federal Policy Discourse.
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.

Galey-Horn, Sarah, Joseph J. Ferrare, Lorien Jasny, and Sarah Reckhow. 2020. “Building Consensus: Idea Brokerage in Teacher Policy Networks.” American Educational Research Journal. 57(2): 872-905.

Reckhow, Sarah and Megan Tompkins-Stange. 2018. “Financing the Education Policy Discourse: Philanthropic Funders as Entrepreneurs in Policy Networks.Interest Groups & Advocacy. 7(3): 258-288.

Snyder, Jeffrey W. and Sarah Reckhow. 2017. “Politics Determinants of Philanthropic Funding for Urban Schools.” Journal of Urban Affairs. 39(1): 91-107.

Reckhow, Sarah. 2016. “More than Patrons: How Foundations Fuel Policy Change and Backlash.” PS: Political Science and Politics. 49(3): 449-454.

Reckhow, Sarah. 2015. “Beyond Blueprints: Questioning the Replication Model in Education Philanthropy.” Society. 52(6): 552-558.

Reckhow, Sarah and Jeffrey W. Snyder. 2014. “The Expanding Role of Philanthropy in Education Politics.” Educational Researcher. 43(4): 186-195.

Urban Politics and Policy

In urban politics, I study the role of nonprofits, philanthropies, and advocacy groups.


Reckhow, Sarah, Davia Downey, and Joshua Sapotichne. 2020. “Governing without Government: Nonprofit Governance in Detroit and Flint.” Urban Affairs Review.

Lowe, Kate, Juliet Gainsborough, and Sarah Reckhow. 2016. “Capacity and Equity: Federal Funding Competition Between and Within Regions.” Journal of Urban Affairs.

Lester, William T. and Sarah Reckhow.  2013.  “Network governance and regional equity: Shared agendas or problematic partners?”  Planning Theory.  12(2): 115-138.

Reckhow, Sarah.  2009.  “The Distinct Patterns of Organized and Elected Representation of Racial and Ethnic Groups.”  Urban Affairs Review.  45(2): 188-217.

Education Politics

In education politics, I study the consequences of new policies (such as charter schools, portfolio management models, alternative certification, and state takeovers) for political mobilization, public opinion, and coalition formation. I also study the impact of outside campaign contributions in school board elections as well as growing partisan polarization in education politics.


Henig, Jeffrey, Rebecca Jacobsen, and Sarah Reckhow. 2019. Outside Money in School Board Elections: The Nationalization of Education Politics. Harvard Education Press.


Finger, Leslie K. and Sarah Reckhow. 2022. “Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.State Politics & Policy Quarterly.

Grossmann, Matt, Sarah Reckhow, Katharine Strunk, and Meg Turner. 2021. “All States Close but Red Districts Reopen: The Politics of In-Person Schooling during the COVID-19 Pandemic.Educational Researcher. 50(9): 637-648.

Reckhow, Sarah, Jeffrey R. Henig, Rebecca Jacobsen, and Jamie Alter Litt. 2017.  “‘Outsiders with Deep Pockets:’  The Nationalization of Local School Board Elections.”  Urban Affairs Review.  53(5): 783-811.

Mason, Mary, and Sarah Reckhow. 2017. “Rootless Reforms?: State Takeovers and School Governance in Detroit and Memphis.” Peabody Journal of Education. 92(1): 64-75.

Reckhow, Sarah, Matt Grossmann, and Benjamin C. Evans. 2015. Policy Cues and Ideology in Attitudes toward Charter SchoolsPolicy Studies Journal.

Jacobsen, Rebecca, Rachel White, and Sarah Reckhow. 2016. “Cultivating Political Powerhouses: TFA Corps Members Experiences that Shape Local Political Engagement.Education Policy Analysis Archives. 24(18).

Ansell, Christopher, Sarah Reckhow, and Andrew Kelly.  2009.  “How to Reform a Reform Coalition: Outreach, Agenda Expansion, and Brokerage in Urban School Reform.”  Policy Studies Journal.  37(4): 717-743.


Youth Voting and Civic Engagement

Bergan, Daniel E., Dustin Carnahan, Nazita Lajevardi, Mel Medeiros, Sarah Reckhow, and Kjerstin Thorson. Forthcoming. “Promoting the Youth Vote: The Role of Informational Cues and Social Pressure.” Political Behavior.
